Success Story at PortalYogi!

PortalYogi is a place where you will learn and experience yoga practice. You will find peace, harmony and a path to yourself.Our community is growing everyday. With passion and pleasure, we create new materials and development opportunities for you.

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Questions answered by

  • Marzena Jaworska
    CEO PortalYogi

🟡 What made you decide to implement AskHenry?

I believe that it is a fantastic solution and I will admit that my first thought on the implementation was the ability to save my own time on the tasks that I would not have to complete anymore. Then, I understood that my employees have similar problems, and AskHenry service will relieve them partly from those responsibilities and, let’s be frank, allow them to focus on their actual work :)

Initially, it was supposed to be only small tasks, post office, shopping, picking up something, dropping off something, but AskHenry will do just anything for us.

🟡 How did the implementation go?

The implementation went very smoothly. A meeting explaining the rules, and materials. Everything is simple and clear.

🟡 Which value do you consider the greatest for your employees?

They have time to work and a clear head.

I must provide an example here: one of our employees was moving homes recently. I met him worried about organizing this whole thing. At the same time, he was not able to focus on work because the upcoming move was all he could think of. I said: “Listen, why won’t you ask Henry to take care of it?” “That’s right!” – he answered.

One email to Henry and the whole organization as well as the move itself was prepared.

Not to mention small routine tasks, such as mail, documents, pick-ups, etc. Our employees know that they can trust Henry with a part of their work tasks as well as with their own private ones. Dry-cleaning, bike service, buying lightbulbs, finding a vacation spot, plane tickets. Anything they would have to take care of during their work time anyway.

🟡 Who would you recommend AskHenry to?

To absolutely anyone who values their time, life balance, and wants to focus on things that are actually important to them.

I've helped PortlYogi
to find their employees' free time
I could help you too.

Do you want to find out more about AskHenry service? Were you wondering how to introduce this benefit to your organization? Fill out the contact form. We will call you back and answer all your questions.