A personal assistant for the price of a Lumberjack sandwich?

    • How AskHenry works

❓”How much does it cost?”

The experience with our service and its reception in the eyes of users and prospective users is usually a mix of delight, excitement, but also…unknown. Well, because how much does it cost?
If you’re reading this, you’re probably anxious to estimate the cost our benefit would generate for your organization.
Under certain assumptions, the average monthly cost of the AskHenry service per employee is…a mere PLN 29 net! As much as the famous lumberjack sandwich :)

❓And how exactly do we work?

✅ Charge for the actual number of orders placed

The AskHenry service meets the expectation of employers to pay only for what is actually completed. This means giving your employees back the ability to use the AskHenry service and set up orders that will be counted in an invoice at the end of the month, for which you will pay a fee. This gives you a lot of flexibility and the comfort of not paying a fixed amount for something your employees don’t use. You pay for real consumption.

✅ Budget assumptions

…However, if you prefer cost predictability, you should know that we are also open to clients with a strictly defined budget that they can allocate for our benefit. When establishing cooperation, the number of orders falling to you will depend on it. If there is a possibility of overruns, we will make sure that you find out in advance that you are approaching the limit.

❓ It’s like, a temporary pleasure with a lumberjack sandwich, or the constant support of a personal assistant?