AskHenry gives you time
for life and things that matter

We can support you now! You will feel the difference right away, that’s why…

What do you get?


We will help you to save up to 8.5 hours a month


We have completed 138 285 tasks in total (as of February 2024)

Peace of mind

We got 91% of positive reviews from our users

  • My wife was organizing a cooking class and when everything seemed to be ready, she noticed that there are two ingredients missing, that were not available in our local store: type 0 flour and semolina... Henry was very helpful in that he bought and delivered the ingredients straight to our apartment, just before the online class had started.

    Wiktor Bakalarski
    Scrum Master
  • A long list of small repairs I have been putting off for a while was finally due, as was shopping for all the necessary parts I had no idea how to pick. The only solution was to send Henry pictures and let them take care of it. So it happened – after a couple of days, I got the information on how the parts are called, where they are available and for how much, as well as a complete instalment instruction.

    Robert Kubiś
    Tooling Squad Lead
  • I was about to move out so, inevitably, I had to clean and organize some things in my apartment. Turns out I had way too many books I didn't need anymore. I asked Henry to donate them to a local library, which surprisingly was more difficult than I assumed. An online consultant suggested I donate the books to a local foster home. After a couple of days, Henry has already delivered them. I was grateful to be able to help, and the kids loved the books too!

    Natalia Hojnacka
    HR Administrator Coordinator

For whom?

  • Ewa, 45, Project Manager
    Two children | Caring housewife
    What has she gained?

    Work-life balance. We helped her find some me time by taking care of daily errands.

    We have organized a birthday party for her son

    ...not only by choosing the right venue and entertainment, but also by picking, purchasing, and wrapping the perfect gift based on Ewa's suggestions. All efficiently and spot on time.

    We have rescheduled her children's vaccination appointments

    ... who had to stay home with the cold. Excellent communication with Ewa allowed us to make an appointment that was aligned with her work plans.

    We have provided assistance to Ewa's parents

    ... from now on, Henry does the weekly shopping and picks up prescriptions filled every month in pharmacies.

    We have found the perfect self-care spot

    ... by picking the highest-rated massage parlour and booking an appointment that did not require changes in her work schedule. Henry has also suggested that a manicure in a nearby salon would be nice.

    We have helped with some alterations

    … for which Ewa did not have time. Our trusted tailor has taken care of shortening her dress and made a fabulous costume for her daughter's costume party.

  • Robert, 32, IT Team Leader
    Married | Gamer
    What has he gained?

    Being more effective in managing his business and has more time for pleasure in his private life.

    We have found and bought tickets

    ... to a concert his wife dreamed about. We purchased the tickets and organized a stay for the couple at a five-star hotel, which was a part of Robert's anniversary surprise for his wife.

    We have delivered his bike to a service

    ... at the bike shop, where it was bought, picked a water bottle in the right size and returned the one that did not fit the bike's handle.

    We have helped him choose a new accounting firm searching, analyzing and choosing our picks from local offices that could handle the books of Robert's business. He has trusted Henry with revealing his budget, which effectively narrowed down our search.

    We have found and bought the latest graphic card

    ... for his gaming computer, which he was long dying to update. Henry has scrolled through countless listings to find it at the best price.

    We have found a handyman to take care of his washing machine

    ... who fixed a problem that was bugging the appliance for quite a while. Tumbling was not working well, that is why we have reached out to the highest-rated professional that specializes in the specific brand.

  • Dorota, 25, Board Assistant
    Single | Student
    What has she gained?

    Has finally taken care of her current issues and found space for new activities, friends and perspectives.

    We have organized an unforgettable bachelorette party

    ... for Dorota's best friend. We have helped her find, choose and book a gorgeous cabin for the night, buy decorations and create the perfect menu. Henry has also come up with a list of unique gifts for the bride.

    We have helped with her the move

    ... which coincided with a launch of a major project Dorota was involved in at work. We have found a moving company, bought boxes and delivered new furniture that was assembled later by a trusted handyman of Henry's.

    We have enriched her apartment in details close to her heart

    … by choosing and purchasing new plants, gardening accessories and soil, so she could focus on decorating her space the way she likes – with self-planted flowers.

    We have planned her day off

    ... by making a list of events she could attend the next Saturday. From all our picks, divided time and cost-wise, Dorota and her friends chose morning yoga in a park and an evening stand-up show to which we booked the tickets.

    We have refreshed Dorota's closet

    ... by picking up her packages with new clothes and taking bags with things that were in a good condition but were not worn for quite some time. Per Dorota's request, we have donated the clothes to a charity supporting local single mothers.

How does it work?

1. You make a request

... by our user–friendly panel, by email or a phone call. Then we get cracking!

  • Pick up
  • IKEA
  • furniture
  • and
  • deliver them

2. We ask and specify will be updated on every stage of the execution of your request. We will keep an eye on all the changes and special requests that might come up.

Do you want us to take an invoice for these purchases?

Yes, please! Take a vat invoice for my company details.

3. Done and dusted!

...we pick up / find / buy / deliver / assemble... and many more!


4. You rate and make another request.

Your feedback is important to us, we want to get better for you all the time.


We see how our word might not be enough – take a look at what the people, who have chosen our services for their business, have to say about us. After all, Their satisfaction is our best advertisement.

  • A great advantage is the fast pace of onboarding, which does not require a complicated implementation procedure. AskHenry's professional approach to service delivery and timely completion of orders makes this incredibly competitive solution.

    Agnieszka Laskowska-Osoba
    Director of Finance and Benefits
  • During the pandemic, documents, hardware, shopping, gifts, and anything else, could be passed between our team, thanks to Henry. In my opinion, it proves that AskHenry can be a great solution for businesses running fully or partly remote.

    Martyna Łapaj
    Human Resources Specialist
  • What makes AskHenry unique is that he is an assistant who supports the whole team, not just the board. It makes a huge difference, which shows us that we care about our employees' time.

    Aleksandra Pszczoła
  • While many of the employee benefits have become clichés, AskHenry service is something fresh and original. Still few companies (yet) can be proud to offer this service to their employees. It is a benefit that can actually help the employee, and not only serve the role of a "cool thing to have in the job offer description".

    Magdalena Płaza
    Branding & Communication Manager


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  • 1 February 2024
How to talk about benefits to recruit effectively?
    • For HR
    • How AskHenry works
    • Webinar by AskHenry
  • 18 January 2024
Already have a benefit strategy planned for the new year? Check out the knowledge pill from AskHenry and HearMe!
    • For HR
    • How AskHenry works
    • Webinar by AskHenry
  • 5 December 2023
What does the use of the personal assistant benefit look like in practice? Interview with Kasia Michalak of Bee Talents
    • How AskHenry works
  • 24 November 2023
A personal assistant for the price of a Lumberjack sandwich?

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