Questions answered by
Łucja Czuba-Widiantoro
Aleksandra Favero
🟡 What additional value do you see from the implementation, as an HR department?
From the HR perspective, AskHenry is almost like a self-service benefit. The communication regarding the orders occurs directly between Henry and a given employee. There is no need for HR to intervene. Our main goal is to encourage the newest additions to our team to use this benefit.
Hardly anyone has encountered a similar solution at their previous employers.
🟡 Do you think AskHenry is a good investment in employee wellbeing?
Definitely! The concept of AskHenry fits perfectly into one of our values – Lend a Hand. It allows us to support employees in their daily affairs, saving not only their time but also the energy needed to handle even such monotonous errands as sending to the post office, repairing equipment or picking up ordered purchases.
🟡 What do you like the most about the AskHenry service?
Customer service. AskHenry stands out for its seamless communication on two levels – from the HR perspective, as well as from the perspective of ordinary users, i.e. our employees.
🟡 What benefits do you see from implementing AskHenry?
AskHenry helps us support a wide variety of employee groups. Examples? Here you go: they help foreigners who work with us, who need advice or a helping hand when running their daily errands, or are it an invaluable solution for young parents who always don’t have enough time.
🟡 Can you, and if so, to whom can you recommend our service?
To organizations where the majority of employees live in the same city as the company’s office (no possibility to support remote employees outside of online orders). To companies that are not afraid to experiment and, above all, those for which the well-being of their employees is important.
🟡 How have people’s perceptions of the service changed during the pandemic? What has AskHenry contributed to your organisation during this time?
The scope of services was dynamically changing, trying to adapt to the situation. From the beginning of the pandemic, we came to see Henry as “our special tasks man”. The feeling that we could count on them, despite the lockdown was really encouraging.