Inflation vs. pleasure – what can you do to feel good?

    • Handbook
    • #Inflacja
    • #inflation
    • #Mental health

Inflationary pleasures. How not to go crazy in crazy times?

There is no denying that everything is getting more expensive. We face high prices for basic products in shops. We see a significant jump in energy or fuel prices. Credit instalments have also gone up. Employers have also been burdened with additional costs, so not every company can count on a pay rise. Does this mean we have to tighten our belts and give up our pleasures? It’s time to learn to save and find ways to relax on the cheap. For we need, as never before, a break from the negative information coming from every direction.

Inflation is a topic that appears on the lips of all Poles almost every day. For we are confronted with an unpleasant reality at every turn. We see prices rising literally day by day. We see how quickly money is fleeing from our accounts and wallets. People who have not yet taken out a loan are today being refused by their bank. We are also feeling the rise in rental costs. There is no denying it – the situation on the market in Poland is very unstable indeed.

It is high time to ask yourself: what else do you have influence over? Although the situation breaks down over your money, you are not the one who dictates prices and you cannot make the zloty stop getting cheaper. The only thing that remains within your decision-making reach is your inner peace. Your role is to find your way through the changes with as little detriment to yourself as possible. While inflation is a concern, your mental health should always be paramount. So, in our article, we have put together the most important tips on how to find enjoyment in unpleasant times.

It’s time to hold on to your wallets.

The origins of Poland’s economic problems can be traced back to the year 2020. It was then that the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in the world. We were locked in our homes in a great sense of fear about what would happen next. For the first time, we felt so tangibly that nothing was certain. The fact that we have a job and money today is no guarantee. Many of us found out that the only constant in life is change, and you always have to be ready for it. This is when many people started looking for ways to secure themselves and their loved ones.

In the then-raging employment market, there were people looking for extra work. They made the sensible assumption that a single source of livelihood might not be any guarantee. Rising inflation also made many people interested in investments. Whoever had money has long since placed it in real estate or the stock market. This is certainly a way to feel a little more secure and avoid a drop in the value of cash.

The shutdown of the economy and the subsequent rise in prices has taught many of us how to manage our financial resources. However, the saying ‘money is not everything’ fits today as never before. The pandemic proved to be only a prelude to what we face today. After all, inflation, a war in the East and an uncertain labour market have rested on our shoulders. It is necessary to take care of the well-being, i.e. the psycho-physical balance in life.

The impact of inflation on… wellbeing.

Both the pandemic and inflation have affected more than just our wallets. We are dealing with what is known as compound stress – the previous stressors have not yet passed, and the new ones have already managed to emerge. The economic crisis is a huge psychological burden for citizens, especially those on lower incomes. Worse economic conditions put a strain on the nervous system, which can manifest itself in a variety of ways.

Indeed, the value of money holdings has clearly fallen. At the same time, however, our sense of worth and ability to think positively has also declined. Inflation has also meant that the incidence of depression and other mental illnesses has increased. In this situation, there was a need to set boundaries and take care of everything within them.

What can’t you save on?

Inflation is indeed forcing you to save, find new sources of income or invest wisely. However, there are issues that are of paramount importance – be sure to take care of your mental health. If necessary, do not hesitate to consult a specialist – a psychologist or psychiatrist – about your mood.

However, it is not worth waiting for a marked worsening – prevention is definitely better than cure. So we suggest finding even the smallest pleasures in times of wildly rising prices and declining monetary value. How can you raise your standard of living and improve your mood without spending a fortune?

Pleasures that don’t strain the budget (too much).

Pleasures, not least in times of high inflation, need not be sophisticated or expensive. Sometimes a small change that sheds a completely different light on our everyday life is important. Sometimes all it takes is a moment to ‘reboot’ and find peace. What can you do to boost your mood in this really difficult year? Check out our suggestions.

Let’s start with the simplest of things. A great idea to improve your mood without burdening your wallet is to go for a walk. We realise that it can sometimes be difficult to find the time. We promise, however, that it’s worth hopping off the tram 2 stops early and taking a walk through the park to the office. Especially now, when it is pleasantly sparkling with a million colours. You’ll see that fresh air can make an amazing change in our attitude. Of course, it won’t solve all your problems, especially financial ones, but it can pour a lot of peace into your heart.

Are you scrolling through Facebook in the evening and reading yet another devastating news story from Poland and the world? We’ve been caught up in it too. What about… turn off the Internet? One evening offline will make the stress levels in your head drop dramatically. See what you can do during this time:

  • read a book,,
  • cook,
  • bake,
  • play board games,
  • go for a walk,
  • lay on an acupressure mat,
  • go to bed earlier.

Remember also that such calmness is one element of sleep hygiene. Calm rest, on the other hand, translates into a better mood the next day as well.

The pleasure we forget in the daily rush can be a peaceful morning. It is a good idea to prepare everything you need the evening before. In the morning, you’ll be able to slowly sip your coffee and enjoy the silence. This may be the only chance you get to hear her throughout the day – especially if you are a parent. Such a moment to yourself will allow you to find layers of patience that you didn’t know existed before.

It also turns out that many people love the process of brewing coffee. Grinding the beans can soothe frazzled nerves and ensure that no inflation frightens us for a while. The pleasant aroma spreading through the flat gradually awakens us to life. Even in times of wild price increases, a standard grinder is not a big expense, and you can also find them on the “second-hand market”. Give it a try, it might be something for you.

Another calming pleasure may turn out to be… DIY! More and more people are choosing to return to embroidery, sewing or knitting. Scrapbooking or colouring books are also interesting alternatives. They don’t consume a lot of money, and they require focus. You won’t have the opportunity to think about further price increases.

However, we realise that not everyone is attracted to these kinds of pleasures. To escape the thought of inflation, you don’t have to, and indeed shouldn’t, do anything by force. If artwork is not for you, why not find peace in sport? Focus your attention on the progress your body can make and naturally generate happiness hormones. Let the only constant in the whole situation be that you go out for a run or workout with YouTube 3 times a week.

A karaoke night with friends is also an active form of socialising. You can pop out to a pub or arrange to go to someone’s place without straining your wallet resources. It’s a double gain – not only do you get to play and move around, but you also get to spend time with people close to you. Their presence also makes a huge difference to your well-being and rebuilding your sense of security.

The rise in prices due to inflation has also limited trips, especially those abroad. However, it turns out that it is possible to travel cheaply in Poland. You don’t have to buy an all-inclusive at the other end of the country right away. You can opt for a day trip out of town with friends. You can have a group of you hop in one car and drop on fuel or use public transport. It’s a real adventure that will remind you of your student days and give you a break from the unpleasantness of everyday life.

Take care of your own peace of mind!

Remember that pleasure is not an award – you don’t have to deserve it. It’s about positive incentives that will make it easier to get through a difficult situation. It’s the attention to our own comfort and calmness that will make us come out of it stronger. A mind freed from excess worries can generate ideas that will make your wallet a little less thin.

This year (and – unfortunately – for the next few years) peace of mind will not be easy. Continued inflation at this level will affect everyone. We cannot simply advise “Don’t worry, money is an acquired thing”. – we ourselves try to stand firmly on the ground. However, we know from experience that in crisis times it is worth reaching for articles like these. They remind us what is most important and give us a ready-made list of small pleasures that we can put into practice.